Israel Among the Stars
By Pinchas Shir
This text is an excerpt taken from a Jewish book called "Assumption of Moses" (c. First Century BCE). This poetic book predates John's Revelation by a century or less. To assure his audience the author employs apocalyptic imagery of the heavenly realm, God's throne, shakings, and celestial signs as well as the language of Israel's prophets.
1 “Then his kingdom will appear throughout his whole creation.
Then the devil will have an end.
Yea, sorrow will be led away with him.
2 Then will be filled the hands of the messenger,
who is in the highest place appointed.
Yea, he will at once avenge them of their enemies.
3 For the Heavenly One will arise from his kingly throne.
Yea, he will go forth from his holy habitation
with indignation and wrath on behalf of his sons.
4 And the earth will tremble, even to its ends shall it be shaken.
And the high mountains will be made low.
Yea, they will be shaken, as enclosed valleys will they fall.
5 The sun will not give light.
And in darkness the horns of the moon will flee.
Yea, they will be broken in pieces.
It will be turned wholly into blood.
Yea, even the circle of the stars will be thrown into disarray.
6 And the sea all the way to the abyss will retire,
to the sources of waters which fail.
Yea, the rivers will vanish away.
7 For God Most High will surge forth,
the Eternal One alone.
In full view will he come to work vengeance on the nations.
Yea, all their idols will he destroy.
8 Then will you be happy, O Israel!
And you will mount up above the necks and the wings of an eagle.
Yea, all things will be fulfilled.
9 And God will raise you to the heights.
Yea, he will fix you firmly in the heaven of the stars,
in the place of their habitations. (Assumption of Moses 10:1-9)