Swearing By God's Name in Qumran
By Pinchas Shir
An Excerpt from Ancient Jewish Literature - Damascus Document, Col 15 or 4Q266 (Early First Century CE)
[He will not sw]ear by Aleph and Lamed (EL = God) nor by Aleph and Daleth (Adonai = The Lord), but by the oath of the youths, by the curses of the covenant. [Blank] Neither should one mention the law of Moses, for in it is the full enunciation of the name. [Blank] And if he swears and transgresses, he profanes the name. [Blank] If the judges adju[re] (someone) by the curses of the covenant. [Blank] If he transgresses, he will be guilty and will have to confess and make amends, and (then) he shall not be liable for sin [and] die. [Blank] Those who enter the covenant, for all Israel for an eternal law, must impose upon their sons who have reached (the age) to go over to the enrolled, the oath of the covenant. [Blank] And such is the regulation, throughout all the age of wickedness, for whoever reverts from his path of corruption.
On the day when he talks to the Inspector of the Many, they shall enroll him with the oath of the covenant which Moses established with Israel, the covenant to rev[ert to] the law of Moses with the whole heart and [with] the who[le] soul, to what is found (therein) to do during the com[plete] period of his app[roach]. But no-one should make him know the precepts before he stands in front of the Inspector: when he stands he should be persuaded by him when he tests him. But when he has imposed upon himself to return to the law of Moses with all his heart and all his soul they will [exact re]venge from him if he should become unfaithful. [Blank] All that has been revealed of the law for the multitude of the camp—if he inadvertently fails, the Inspector should tea[ch h]im and give orders concerning him, and he should le[arn] for a full year. And in accordance with (his) knowledge «he will approach. And no-one» who is stupid or deranged «should enter»; and anyone feeble[-minded and insane,] those with eyes too weak t[o see,] the lame [or] one who stumbles, o[r a deaf person,] or an un[der-a]ge boy, none of these should one allow to enter [the congregation, since the holy angels... (4Q266 Martı́nez Translation)
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